What kind of questions can I ask during my Akashic Records reading?

This is something that new clients often ask. As a spiritual modality, the Akashic Records are different from other tools like Tarot or intuitive readings. Rather than reading a clients energy and telling you about yourself in the moment- an Akashic Reader would connect to your Spirit team in your personal Akashic Records and channel and translate the answers about you, your life and your path to you from your souls perspective- outlining your highest timeline, your soul missions, your gifts throughout lifetimes and so much more .

Now why ask questions?- Your Akashic Records are like a giant data base of everything your soul has felt, thought, experienced since its creation. Think of it like Google but for your soul. Just as with Google- the more specific and open ended your questions- the more specific and relevant the answers. The right question opens a doorway into new perspectives, ways of looking at yourself and your life and potential solutions to your challenges and issues.

Asking empowering , open-ended, self-focused questions will take your exploration of the Akashic Records to the next level!



  • How can I better understand my past relationship patterns? How can I release dysfunctional relationship patterns?

  • How can I open myself up to the energy of love and feel more comfortable with giving and receiving in equal ways?

Career & Finances:

  • Is this career or work aligned with me at a soul level?

  • How can I better align my soul purpose with my career?

  • What is limiting me from manifesting greater abundance?

  • What money stories or patterns have I inherited from my family?

  • What did I learn about career, success and financial abundance from my past life experiences?

Past Lives:

  • Am I carrying past life trauma that needs to be resolved? If so, what is the nature of it?

  • Which talents, gifts, or abilities did I develop in past lives?

  • Is there a past life origin to the current issue or challenge I’m dealing with?

  • Did I know (person’s name) in a past life? What was the nature of our relationship?

  • What is the origin of my soul?

Spiritual Path:

  • How can I become more grounded and present in each moment?

  • How can I connect to my Spirit Guides more deeply?

  • How can I integrate my spiritual practices and gifts with my day to day life?

  • What gifts and abilities did I bring with me into this life? How can I expand on that?

  • What are some of my main soul missions in this life?

Life Challenges:

  • What is this challenge or obstacle teaching me?

  • How can I feel more complete or peaceful with where I am at right now?

  • How can I release feelings of shame, guilt, anger etc? What are these feelings teaching me?

  • How can I enforce stronger boundaries with family members? How can I say ‘no’ without feeling guilty?

  • What can I do to release this unhealthy pattern of (self sabotage, procrastination, escapism etc)?

General Guidance:

  • What do I most need to know today?

  • Where must I focus my attention today?

  • How can I move through today with ease, grace and effortlessness?

Now if you felt an expansive feeling, a tingle or other sensation while reading through these questions- chances are it’s your Highest Self guiding you to explore that topic in your own life.

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