Awaken Lightworker Workshop Bundle

What is a lightworker?

A Lightworker is an awake soul who has made the conscious decision to live in alignment with their soul. They know that we are all interconnected and that their presence has the potential to create a positive change.

These workshop bundle provides you with the knowledge and tools to fully step into alignment with who you are and what you are here to do- awakening the Lightworker within you.

Through these workshops you will learn to connect with your soul and your spiritual entourage (Loved ones, Guides and Angels), built trust in your intuition and message from your Highest Self and re-discover your soul purpose and why you incarnated on this planet.


  • "Meet your Spirit Team” Workshop

  • “Build Trust” Workshop

  • “SoulPurpose” Workshop

  • Video Teachings

  • Channelled Soul Journeys & Exercises

  • Exclusive Telegram Group

All workshops are available for individual purchase as well:

Discover your Soul Purpose, your gifts & talents from past lives. Gain clarity what you are here to do and how to do it.

Build trust in your own divine messages, release limiting beliefs and connect deeply to your own soul guidance knowing that you are on the right path.

Explore different Spirit Guides and how they show up in your life. Connect to your own Spirit Team and learn to work with them.

Meet Alicia

Alicia is an Akashic Reader, Medium and Healer.

Through various workshops, training in the Akashic Records or 1 on 1 sessions , she shares the tools and skills that have transformed her life so that you can step into your divine strength and power to create a life of purpose, freedom and tranquility!


Certified Akashic Soul Reader® , Trained Evidential Psychic Medium, Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner, ThetaHealing® Basic & Advanced DNA, ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper,ThetaHealing® SoulMates, Integrated Energy Therapy® Master & Instructor, Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner, Certified Advanced CrystalTherapy Practitioner, Certified Universal Shamanism Practitioner